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Generic Call Control (GCC)


Products Introduction

Hannwave GCC products are used to provide voice IP multimedia services, support business function combinations such as P-CSCF/I-CSCF/S-CSCF/MMS, and can integrate and replace existing traditional switch networks, including Nortel DMS 10, Nortel DMS 100, DMS 200, EWSD Switch, and more. It provides new IP services for enterprises and consumers, while also supporting series or transit relay and interconnect capabilities to increase revenue for operators.

Customer Values

Product Advantages

Converged voice network

GCC products support 2G/3G/4G/5G/Fixed full-user access, and provide full-service voice processing based on converged access network elements and session control network elements, creating an agile and efficient voice one network, which can avoid the high cost investment challenges caused by repeated investment, multi-line construction, and multi-network operation by operators.

Interoperability of voice networks

GCC products support voice network convergence gateways and can be used for the interworking of different voice networks in various business scenarios.

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